Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?

As just another way to build a loudspeaker system why such disputes in forums when horns are mentioned?    They can solve many issues that plague standard designs but with all things have there own.  So why such hate?  As a loudspeaker designer I work with and can appreciate all transducer and loudspeaker types and I understand that we all have different needs budgets experiences tastes biases.  But if you dare suggest horns so many have a problem with that suggestion..why?

that goes to say with NUMEROUS speaker designs and audio related gear in general.

Speakers alone are very personal and subjective, once you find one promising you then need to match with associated gear including cables, not just anything!  - lets not forget your room which is also very important along with power source - so many factors come into play. Put a nice speaker and associated gear into a crappy room, it will sound crappy for example.

I have experienced over the years listening to allot of owners systems that personal flavor has allot of similarities to comparing too food taste - some like it boring - mild - hot and suicide hot!  I respect all and can except and appreciate and why it's so personal. 

I don't understand nonsense posts which comes across as only trolling as you have done in several postings, you being in the business you should have knowledge and be experienced enough to know such, to me only demonstrates your lack of credibility. Also it' absolutely laughable when I read individuals making up their mind, relying on such or trying to influence others upon listening at shows and saying it's this or that like you did with your ridiculous posting that you deleted - come on give me a break, so full of bs!

You have to live with what ever it is - speakers being the worse due to break-in time. Drivers not properly integrating for example - I can go on 
I recently got rid of a pair of expensive Wilson Benesch speakers (G E O M E T R Y   S E R I E S), without mentioning the actual model. I found I initially liked this and that (others came over to listen but only once they had allot of hours on them and I did not hear sonic changes) because the sound was new to me but I also found areas that I did not enjoy to the point of not listening as much as I would normally. You won't read anywhere me bashing them because I know it's subjective and personal. Put back in a pair Avantgarde XD series horn speakers not mentioning model but recall saying to myself yes this is what it's prefer, others whom had already heard also confirmed the horns were their preference too and they do not personally own this type of design.  So who is right or wrong? No one, pick your poison and build around them.  

Audio in general can be a never ending journey chasing your tail sorta speaking but as long as you are listening to music in the end that's what it's all about.
So enjoy!
Soundsreal if you change your you to I then I agree that is how you feel about horns and maybe you have a love hate thing going on. While I have owned a few horn systems that maybe were not the best for long term use. I tend to think a good amount about what I buy and since I have had so much hands on I know what works for me and how to get the best out of it once installed into a system. I tend to use loudspeakers that work best for the system synergy  goal I have in mind and many times they are horns but not always. A horn is a tool and is just part of  a total system.

Horn's can sound absolutely fantastic :-)

Yes they can...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNc5LWH4lhE

Obviously there are limitations to SQ due to the cheap mic on the video camera.
$22,000 base...  $7000 for real wood veneer?  10k for better vox driver?      $40K ?    Out of reach for most of us ......