One of my audio epiphanies occured back in teh mid 80’s when I provided the music at a party in grad school.
The party was on a farm out in the boonies of Western Kentucky. I set up my hifi on the farmhouse porch and "cranked it up" .
People were in a field nearby I’d estimate 50 yards or greater away directly in front of the porch. UB40, Neil Young, Jackson Browne, U2, Zeppelin, you name it, it sounded like a live band playing nearby on the porch. Better sounding than Woodstock I’d bet! :^) Slightly smaller venue though admittedly...
That was with with original 80s vintage OHm Walsh 2s (8" walsh driver somewhere between 1000 and 2000 models currently). I think they cost me less than $1K at the time new.
They were driven by a Tandberg tr2080 receiver, 80 very good quality (for the day) watts/ch. Source was an Aiwa AD6550 cassette deck (another beauty of the day before Aiwa went mass market).
Fast forward to today, and the OHMs are more refined sounding than ever (very hi end IMHO assuming similar quality gear upstream) and amps have improved as well. Yes things cost more as well but there are lots of bargains out there on the used market.
One of my audio epiphanies occured back in teh mid 80’s when I provided the music at a party in grad school.
The party was on a farm out in the boonies of Western Kentucky. I set up my hifi on the farmhouse porch and "cranked it up" .
People were in a field nearby I’d estimate 50 yards or greater away directly in front of the porch. UB40, Neil Young, Jackson Browne, U2, Zeppelin, you name it, it sounded like a live band playing nearby on the porch. Better sounding than Woodstock I’d bet! :^) Slightly smaller venue though admittedly...
That was with with original 80s vintage OHm Walsh 2s (8" walsh driver somewhere between 1000 and 2000 models currently). I think they cost me less than $1K at the time new.
They were driven by a Tandberg tr2080 receiver, 80 very good quality (for the day) watts/ch. Source was an Aiwa AD6550 cassette deck (another beauty of the day before Aiwa went mass market).
Fast forward to today, and the OHMs are more refined sounding than ever (very hi end IMHO assuming similar quality gear upstream) and amps have improved as well. Yes things cost more as well but there are lots of bargains out there on the used market.