@lewm Thanks. Looked up Slagle mods. $36k.
Using tube amp with electrostatic speakers.
@lewm Thanks. Looked up Slagle mods. $36k. https://www.stereophile.com/content/capital-audio-fest-herbs-saturday-highlights#4scCzpwA1Ah3Rpyq.97 |
Thanks, Noromance. I had no idea the cost would be so high. In the photo (from 2015) they show a single pair of Quads. This year (and I think last year) EMIA ran a double pair of Quads. Believe me, with Dave's mods, there is no lack of bass response in the range where music lives. The speakers on demo the last three years of the show actually belong to a local aficionado who is a long time friend and customer of Dave's. At that gentleman's house, he runs THREE pair of Quad 57s. I need to go hear that. What's money, after all? |
From your suggestion I might just stick with my SS amps. They have ample power (Innersound 800 ESL monoblocks (800W@8 ohms)). My journey to this thread was based on understanding if a lower power tube amp could be used on a speaker such as Soundlabs. I believe I understand the tradeoffs you have outlined.On a set of Sound Labs, a 200 watt tube amp can do what an 800 watt solid state can do. |
I would like to mention that my Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40 (David Berning designed) is absolute magic with my Janszen electrostats. If you can live with 40 watts or get them mono blocked for 80, I can’t recommend them highly enough. My Janszen zA2.1s are 87 dB efficient and I still have plenty of headroom. |
ESLs on paper have low efficiency, but that is because the standard measurement is made at 1 meter. If the ESL is a large panel, a good deal of the sound might go past the microphone without being picked up. So in reality many ESLs (and planars in general) are much more efficient than their specs suggest. |