If you get lucky, you can purchase a 2nd hand pair of Wilson Audio Sophia series 2 for your target price. I have an audiophile friend in Lisbon, and a serious audio enthusiast in Porto. Imacoustica is a great resource of course, but I am not aware of their offerings on the used market.
The Sophia 2’s have great midrange, the high resolution detail that Wilson speakers are known for, and ample bass. Your amplifier can handle four ohm load, so that works. The 70 W output is a touch on the light side, but should work fine since your room is not very large.
I realize that many users of this forum have a tendency to recommend their own equipment to other people. I am guilty of that at this very moment! However both friends that I mentioned in Portugal have Wilson speakers! One, the modest cub. The other, Sasha series 2. The Sophia 2’s are the finest speakers that I’ve ever owned, I’m very pleased with them, and I can enthusiastically recommend them.