Need recommendation for amplifier

One of my NuForce monoblock amplifiers seems to be irreparable.  I need to get a new amplifier.
 I’m looking in the one to two thousand dollar range, new or used.
Any recommendations for a decent amplifier in that price category?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano
One more thing about the Red Dragons,

Records display none of the problems of CDs.
They sound very natural!
Maybe a different cable between DAC and preamp would do the trick.
But we’ll wait and see.
Unless you need a lot of power, a First Watt amplifier (used, demo, or new) would be a major step up for you.  I think the J2 is still in production.  I own the J2 and M2, and I have a pair of XA60.8 amps. 
All of a sudden, after playing the unit for several hours, the amp seems to have kicked in. Sounds much better.
Who new?
Hi rvpiano,  thanks for your response, so I guess you did heard the Nuforce sta 200 but was not what you expected? 
And if you mind, When you say "sound much better" you mean is not bright any more?