Can a power conditioner cause electrical problems?

I recently bought an Isotek Orion Power line Conditioner with Isotek Elite 5 foot Power cord on Audiogon.
Last night as I was hooking up a new amplifier to it, The juice in the electrical outlet cut off.
It went dead.  I had to switch to another outlet.
 I have been noticing other strange behaviors while using this conditioner, including temporary loss of power to components.
Is it possible this conditioner is causing problems? I’m afraid to use it at this point.
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You possibly could have a wire that is not seated all the way or a screw that needs to be tightened. I noticed this after adding some NCF outlets and one outlet would go out but after plugging the unit in and using a wood dowel, found the loose connection.

Check the fuse. There should be one in the IEC receptacle or it may be inside the unit.
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@elizabeth  welcome back and Merry Christmas! Long time no see glad to have you back! I hope you stick around!