Gumby vs Yggy

So I recently tried a Schiit Gumby and was somewhat disappointed that it really didn’t sound much better than my Arcam irdac. I’m sending it back and was wondering if the Yggy would be a more significant upgrade. Perhaps my system isn’t revealing enough to appreciate the difference. I’ve downsized from B&W 801 S2, Threshold amp, Theta pre to my current setup: SVS Ultra bookshelves, Parasound amp and Schiit Saga pre.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Wow....that's a big statement!!! Or get that tube amp I'm dreaming of lol. But seriously, shouldn't a good computer with good software be a "good" source. I looked at the Auralic streamers and they are doable. My Mac with Audirvana is much better than streaming directly from my iPad Pro. 
It seems many on the Gon are happy with Auralic streamers... but I bought mine new and found it to be extremely buggy and frustrating.  I returned it after about 10 days of attempting to debug it via email exchanges with their limited customer support.  YMMV.
But seriously, shouldn't a good computer with good software be a "good" source.

Yes, it should. Many here on the forum though will site the fact that it isn't necessarily "good enough". However, I personally am in the camp of "relying" upon the Schiit DAC (Gungnir or Yggdrasil) to essentially "do their job correctly" and, therefore, negate the need for an optimized source. In fact those Schiit DACs have an indicator referred to as the "buy better gear" light. If it's off during playback, what's the issue?
yeah plus I was pretty stoked about buying the Gumby with the gen5 usb card, was supposed to negate the need for any intermediate device.
Sonore ultraRendu, microRendu, or sMS-200, sMS-200 Ultra will almost certainly sound better than a good computer.