Radio personalities

I was thinking of some the radio personalities I remembered:
 (Mostly NYC)
Duncan Pirnie
Robert j. Lurtsema
Steve Post

I think it is a shame that they have all gone and live only in my memory.
Anyone else feel the same?

Rodney Bingenheimer AKA Rodney on the Rock (KROQ - Los Angeles).

He could rarely remember the titles of the songs just played, but was fun to listen to.

WLS in Chicago:  Larry Lujack & Tommy Edwards.  Never forget their
 “ Animal Stories “

I forgot about Murray the K. Thanks for reminding me.
I can add another, Nimet on WQXR's midnight to 6AM show.
Miles Willis formerly with KPFT (90.1) in Houston.  He produced and hosted a truly outstanding jazz program ("Milestones") from 6 to 9 pm on Saturdays for many years.  Then he left the city and moved on to D.C.

At the time KPFT's analog signal was superb - - never heard better FM. I'm glad I made tapes of many of his programs - which I still play from time to time.
Another one was a station broadcasting from Little Rock, AR in the late 60’s early 70’s, but I don’t recall the late night DJ’s name.

In 1970 or 1971 we picked up the signal just outside of the Minneapolis, MN area while returning to Iowa from a concert in Minneapolis.

That night there were heavy showers/thunderstorms running from MN down to MO/KS and it was the only time I was able to get the station that far North.

Anyway, we listened to the post Midnight show quite often (in Iowa) and the DJ had a very distinctive voice.

I keep thing of DR. John for some reason, but don’t think he was a DJ.

It was a long time ago, anyone remember the details of this late night show/program?
