Harbeth M30.1+Luxman LX-380 & Audio Note AN-E/SPe Oto SE Sig

I recently auditioned Harbeth M30.1 & the new Luxman LX-380. The sound was heavenly. I also auditioned audio note AN-E/SPe , AN-J and Oto SE int. amp. The experience was very good too. It's a difficult choice to make and I am not able to make up my mind. Luxman LX-380 looks fabulous and is priced higher than Oto. For the AN system the cost is becoming more if I were to invest in SPx speaker wire. I am still thinking how to go about making a choice.  Also the AN dealer here is guiding me towards AN-E/SPe and not HE. He thinks the extra sensitivity is not worth the additional cost.

Does anyone here have any impressions about the above speaker/amp pairs? Would love to hear your opinions and suggestions. 

1+ willemj! I own Snell E's and J's. These are the direct progenitors of the Audio Note E's and J's. They work best a bit out into the room - not in corners! Woofers are SEAS paper cones. They sound better and more dynamic with SS watts, rather than low power tube amps. The bigger HL-5's with high power SS amps would be a prudent choice budget-wise over the AN E's (which I think are really overpriced!).
I’ve read comments from others who are familiar with the Audio Note speakers. It seems that they found the paper cone version more natural and musically engaging. My current speakers use Scanspeak paper cones and their great strength is very natural tone and presentation. High quality paper cones are difficult to beat for overall  sound. Jond Vu gave you good advice.
I think you should listen to the Harbeth SHL5 before making a decision.  For the life of me, I cannot understand why the Monitor 30s are so venerated.  I've owned both and, in my room at least, the SHL5s were fuller, bigger-sounding and generally more enjoyable for me.  Obviously, in a different room, the results may reverse themselves.  But at least give the SHL5s a listen.  
I think with speakers much depends on the match between the speaker and the room. The Harbeth M30.1 are their smallest more or less full range speaker and a great speaker for a small to medium size room. If your room is one size bigger do go for the Super HL5+, however.
Charles agreed and Vu has never steered me wrong. He never tries to sell me he lets me sell myself by giving good advice and letting me listen to great gear. I called him once about noise in my system, assuming a tube was going bad, he correctly diagnosed a short in one of my interconnects, over the phone! I feel blessed to live near the store and my system has steadily gotten better and better over the years. The AN-J's were the "final" piece in the puzzle I can live happily ever after now. Of course I won't probably. To the OP you really are in an enviable position sir all of the equipment you are listening to is topnotch it will be impossible to make a bad decision!