Oyaide or Furutech plugs

Hi everybody,

I'm currently thinking about buying a new DIY mains cable.
It will probably go to my headphone amp (Viva Egoista 845) or maybe to my DAC (Weiss Medea+).

I made my choice about the cable itself, I'd like to try the Furutech FP-TCS31.

But I have some hesitation about the plugs, between the recent gold Furutech FI-28/38 (G) and the Oyaide P004/C004 (beryllium/palladium).

I'm looking for some very liquid and smooth sound, with no spike/highlight in the treble or in the high-medium which could sound agressive.

Did some of you try these plugs and could help me to choose by giving me some infos about the differences?

Best regards,
Go to The Audio Asylum and under the Tweaks category on the title line say Attn: Duster. Then ask the same question in the message area. Duster will be able to answer your question.

I've had both 

Audio differences were imperceptiible .

just go pick one ....full stop. 
My experience with Furutech locking bananas was so bad I'll never use them again, so my vote is going to be anything BUT Furutech.
