Nandric - With all those compressors, tubes and other devices your ET-2 remind me of a patient on intensive care. The difference is that
you succeed to keep the thing so long alive (grin).
Dear Nandric (Nikola)
I have to tell you that I find it very ironic that my wife and yourself are sending me similar messages about health and reference to patients/intensive care.
She likes to joke to me about the hazards to my health, as I pound my bones on the treadmill every day. She sees my knees bandaged up prior to starting, and of course hears me complaining of pain all day, especially in colder weather. You of course are referring to the health of the components required to keep my ET 2.5 running.
So it got me thinking and it became even more ironic to me, (you know Canadians and Irony....go hand in hand ) that my messages back to both of you happen to be identical, as to why I partake in these activities.
Because within 10 minutes of commencing each activity - everything becomes crystal clear. And when the activities stop - it's all downhill from there.
Now Nikola .... tell you a secret - the biggest, real threat to the longevity and health of my ET 2.5/Platine vinyl setup can be seen in
this picture. Do you see the problem ?