Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

@rhg88 I live in the north bay if you care to listen to a pair of upgraded DI's. Message me if you are interested.
Hello everyone, been following this thread for awhile, first time posting. I wanna thank everyone for their valuable insights and opinions regarding their Tekton speakers.

@david_ten, I remember reading awhile back that you auditioned the GoldenEar Triton Reference. I’m trying to decide between the T-Refs and the SE’s, how would you compare the two? I understand the T-Refs has powered subwoofers built in, so it has an advantage when it comes to LF extension. What about other aspects of their performances, like imaging, resolution, timbre, texture, and the ability to sound like “live music”, etc. I couldn’t find any direct comparison of the two online, so your (or anyone else’s) help is much appreciated.

@pro-audio Answering your question is tough because the SEs are in my room, in my system; vs a not-so-great dealer setup for the T-Refs.

Since we have no prior experience of listening to each other’s systems, and comparing them, etc., we do not know if we have a meaningful overlap in how we hear, what we prefer and appreciate, and what engages us musically and emotionally.

The best I can share is to let you know what I would choose...so please take this in that vein,.....

I like the T-Ref, so this is not about disliking it. If it was the only speaker I could have in my system, I’d be happy. And I imagine there are quite a few folks out there that are very happy with them.

But you asked to compare the two, So:

If one were biased towards HT, I can see and understand choosing the T-Refs over the DIs or the SEs, but I can also see how someone would be very happy with the DIs or the SEs in a Home Theatre setup.

For Me [emphasis]: For 2Ch/Music the T-Refs are not in the same game as the SEs, let alone on / in the same field or stadium. I’m now further along my journey with the SEs, and as I’m optimizing my system with these speakers in it, this is only becoming more obvious and striking.

Primary differentiators, for me, would be the musicality and emotional engagement, the connectivity to the performers/performances and the ’rightness’ offered by the SE (vs the T-Ref).

Your take may well be quite different than mine. Best way, as you know, is to audition both.
@david_ten, thank you for your quick response and honest opinion! For me, the speakers will be in a home theater setup doing 50/50 music/movies duties. But the speakers’ ability to produce accurate and emotionally engaging music would be much more important to me as I’m a music lover at core. I want to watch movies for fun, but I want to “feel” my music, if that makes sense. I’m honestly a little surprised to hear that you believe the two contenders are not even playing the same game as you say, given all the glowing reviews I’ve read about the T-Refs. I’m glad I posted my questions here, reading professional reviews is one thing, hearing end users’ experiences is sometimes more valuable. I understand when you auditioned the T-Refs, they weren’t in the most optimum setup/break-in condition, but if you had the chance to audition them at home, do you think you would still come to the same conclusion?

If anyone else has experiences with these two speakers, please kindly share your opinion as well.

Thanks again!

Pro -Audio

I just went through a journey like yours . I tried a set of DI's, and could not get to "where I was going" with them. A couple pages back, I wrote up a review and posted my likes and dislikes. I seriously looked at GE. But being a Union president for a large  corporation for the last decade before my retirement,  the fact that they were Chinese's made me look elsewhere. I'll buy American if at all possible. I know this an international forum, but just telling you my buying tendency's .That being said, I ended up with Legacys..yea I paid more money that the Tektons. but their twice the speaker. Last night we did a Eagles farewell tour concert . Unbelievable. Killer impact, crystal clear sizzling highs,  breathtaking vocals. dynamic...and LOUD. I was in the middle of a true, clear concert ,with a heartbeat...In all honesty, the DI's were so similar on movies that it is hard for me to really say there was that much difference, but music wise,,,, no comparison