NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables

CT Graphene Matrix Cables:

I have been using the CT GE cables for almost two years.
I recently traded up for a full loom of CT Graphene Matrix cables, including speaker, interconnect and PCs, and I wanted to share my experience. I started by replacing only the ICs to try and hear the differences.

The new Matrix interconnects sounded better than the GE immediately after install. I found the original Graphene Extreme ICs to be good but not on the same level as the outstanding GE speaker cables. As break-in started to clear things up, I can hear more clarity and detail not heard before. The ICs are incredible on their own and at the 30 hour mark, I can hear a clear superiority over the GE ICs. I recently started using the Teo Game Changer ICs and preferred them over GE but the Teo has now fallen to the new Graphene Matrix ICs. My Teo’s were and are great, and it is stunning to experience Cerious Technologies commitment to making great technology better.

On the third day of listening to the GM ICs. I couldn’t wait anymore, Having too much fun. I then installed the speaker cables and power cords once I had a pretty good feel for the sound of the GM ICs.

With the full loom of GM cables running in they are going through some strange changes and definitely need time to settle down before realizing what they can really do and very important Bob says to not move them. Since I have a home office I can let them run in all day. I’m at around 120 hours now and they are still improving. Here’s what I’m hearing:

Extended highs and tighter lows.
More detail and better low level listening
Drums are tighter, more clearly defined. So real is the snap of the snare drum. The bass has more depth, seemingly goes deeper, lower. This aspect stands out the most.

I am not in the industry, I’m not an engineer, I don’t work for Cerious Technologies, but I am a fan of the cables and am enjoying what my system is capable of.

I’m closer to my own pinnacle of sound reproduction than ever before.



Preassembled PC can be bought here but look around this site to see if the Tunami V2 is available as well since I never considered that one because I wanted neutrality over a slightly warm PC. I believe 1.8M is all that's available for preassembled PC but you can build one yourself and save a little money.

My cables arrived within 7-10 days.

BM V2 Professionally built:



Did you have Graphene Extreme speaker cables just before the Matrix? I'm thinking instead of getting another pc I'll just get the Matrix sc's after trading in the GE's.

. Right or wrong, I use cables to offset the nature of my recordings with the gear.  Sometimes it can be challenging to get a system to relax a little and I just don't think neutral cables cut it in that department.  So based on my preference I would want a warmer PC and it sounds like the Graph. Matrix may work.  But first things first, I am going to keep an open mind and try out the Black Mamba V2 I already have on the way.

Just based upon the design, I would think the GM to be neutral and even more resolving with silver coated copper but maybe the other elements used in the design may warm it up a bit.

I can't wait for the GM Umbilical Cord to come available...


The Matrix power cable is just different than every cable I've heard thus far. I'm not sure you can describe it in terms of neutral or warm, it's like in another realm of understanding sound if that makes any sense. It's so real and natural that you don't think about if it's too this or too that. At least this has been my experience so far with just one Matrix pc on my integrated amp and the rest GE cables on everything else.