Has anyone purchased the new Elac Adante floorstanders yet?

I’m considering auditioning them vs. my Goldenear Triton Ones. The Tritons are clean and solid sounding, but seem to lack some sparkle, air and detail in my system. Have Cary SLP-05 preamp and Passlabs XA60.5 amps.  Room is 25 ft x 15 ft x 10 ft, and very open.
Think the Adantes may be more coherent and live sounding, without sacrificing any bass.
ps: I get better sound in a much smaller room with a Rogue Cronus Magnum II and Audio Physic Scorpios. Go figure. — could be the “near field” effect.
I think you will be impressed. Soundstage is excellent. Width is extremely solid as well as depth. As I continue to listen to these speakers I am struck by the uncolored sound. I'm used to the B&W signature sound and I have to say the Adantes produce music naturally across the frequencies. B&W was always a tad bright in my opinion. The Adantes are balanced. The soft done tweeter makes a difference in letting these speakers breathe naturally. I have been listening for the last 3 days and I am still amazed when I listen to music I am very familiar with. The Adantes are spectacular. 
Thanks for all the comments on Adantes and suggestions for my system. 
Followed @djohnson54’s advice for using the Brooklyn as a preamp, and performed several other swaps with second system components separately. Observations and conclusions:
1. The room is the biggest problem, especially reflections off tv. (It’s a home theater, as well as a stereo setup.) Room treatment is in the works.
2. Brooklyn sounds more dynamic than SLP-05, but not as refined in highs and mids.
3. Purchased a Pass Labs XP-10 to compare to the Cary. Will keep the better sounding unit. Need about 1 week to really compare.
4. When done with all of this, will audition Adantes, just for the heck of it.
really nice discussion. Thanks.
ps: will probably upgrade dac also.
I heard the Elacs at RMAF this year. I was very impressed and they stood out among the many speakers I heard that weekend. A real standout especially at the price point.