Advantage of PS Audio Bridge II over USB cable from PC?

I play digital content in my system, which includes a PS Audio Perfect Wave II DAC, into an Audio Research SP16-L tube pre, Bryston 4B-ST amp, and Aerial 10T MKIIs. Most of the time, I stream Tidal or Spotify via USB cable from a PC. I have high-speed internet (120 Mpbs down, 20 Mpbs up), piped through a Netgear Nighthawk X4S router wirelessly to the PC. It’s my first high-end audio system, which I built after finding the Aerials at an estate sale for a bargain price, along with some fat Kimber cables.

My question: What benefit if I upgrade the Perfect Wave DAC II with the Bridge II circuit card? Near as I can judge from PS Audio’s website, it would allow me to connect the DAC wirelessly to my home network, and control it from a smartphone or tablet. Aside from those conveniences, what difference in SQ should I expect for the $899 upgrade?   Thanks for any insights.

Unfortunately the Bridge II doesn't connect wireless, you have to have a server setup and route/stream using an Ethernet cable. What it does is double the re-clocking of the signal using their digital lens. If you have the PWD MK2, it has a digital lens which re-clocks the incoming signal (NativeX mode), as does the Bridge 2, so essentially the incoming signal is re-clocked twice and most people agree it improves the audio. I was never able to get the bridge working so I couldn't test it. But the PWD MK2 on NativeX mode sounds extremely impressive...essentially no oversampling/upsampling of the original audio source and asynchronous re-clocking to eliminate jitter.

If you do use Ethernet, which I recommend, make sure you ground the LPS that powers your router.  Connect earth ground to DC common of the router DC power cable.  I recommend using good CAT7 cables and the EMO EN-70e isolator.

BTW, jitter is only reduced, never eliminated.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

My findings duplicate @cymbop's. Such an improvement with the bridge ii that I never went back to usb. (Although I agree there was more trouble shooting involved).

Also, you should be able to get a bridge for much less than list. Just call any psa dealer and ask what kind of a deal they can give you. I think I paid between 4-5 hundred.
@audioengr Steve, I'm sorry for being dense... Can you tell me how to "Connect earth ground to DC common of the router DC power cable"?  Am I supposed to open the lps and attach a grounding wire that then I route out to a grounding screw in a nearby outlet? 

Thanks for all the input.

cal - yes, with most power supplies, you will need to connect a ground wire from the earth ground in the power cord to the minus on the output cable, or run a separate wire to the outlet with a banana plug in the outlet or screw to the grounding screw to get earth ground from the outlet and then connect this to the minus on the DC cable somehow.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio