Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?

I’m trying to find a HIGH QUALITY integrated that has:
1. A no-corners-cut real class A - A/B power stage.
2. A real, high quality analog preamp line stage.
3. A good phono stage.

Aside from a few very high end products, the above described integrateds seem not to exist. Why can’t I find a quality integrated? Do we just have to accept having a pile of boxes?


the Ayre is on my list. Can you comment on Accuphase, Ayre and Luxman?  Happy Listening!

Why oh why do people insist on enabling him?
The OP is single handedly responsible for some of the most absurd threads to hit these forums over last few months.
But you keep egging him on...
Too funny!


I second the Elicit -R especially if one wants to mate it with the Saturn -R player.

Happy Listening!

Madavido, your perception of modern circuit design is way skewed.

"Digital volume control schemes, usually some kind of electronically-controlled resistor ladder."

If you are switching in individual resistors on a chip or using an optical encoder to open up a physical relay it shouldn't make any difference.

Switching in individual resistors should sound better than a pot. 

Most all preamp circuits are run in Pure Class A anyway.

Some modern devices do employ an all digital topology that requires that analog signals are turned into digital in order to work within their designs so I can understand a bias against these designs. 

The real discussion is why you perceive that most modern integrated amplifiers "suck."

The Esoteric unit you mentioned sounds very good, so does Luxman,  and  Accuphase. 

We have sold the Luxman pieces, and Esoteric and Hegel as well as Electrocompanient, and Norma, as well as Naim  and others, many of these modern integrated sound fantastic. 

One of the world's best sounding integrated amplifiers does fit your bill it is $18k and it does use a relay switched individual resistor design. 

The T+A HV PA 3000 it also can be fitted with an outstanding phono card. The amp is 300 watts into an 8ohm load and 500 into a 4 ohm load so it can drive almost any speaker system ever built. It might fit your bill.

Perhaps you are listening to the wrong integrated amplifiers?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ