Bookshelf speakers that sound good on a SHELF or SIDEBOARD

No room for stands; rear wall is very close, less than 6 inches. Shelf (it’s actually a sideboard) height is 36" inches from floor to shelf.

Any thoughts on monitors/bookshelf speakers that sound good in these sorts of applications?
I have some Totem Model 1 Signature speakers. Original owner. 

Includes two Totem Signature main speakers, a center channel, and standard model 1s too.

Initially they were used for reference validation, and now saved for a future 2nd den room reference system. I used them a few times to compare to my own custom build speakers to see how far off track I get on my own builds. While I don’t use them much any more, and may sell them soon, I tested them recently on a shelf setup and was surprised recalling once again how great these speakers really are. Had forgotten, they are amazing...

They primarily sit on 6" tall metal stands on a side shelf, about 1.5ft from the wall, or sit on 24" stands about 9’ apart. Sound great in either case with my 10w tube amp or my 200w solid state amp.  Totems are a real treat.

+3, f or the REGA RS1 or its immediate predecessor R1
The current model is the RX1

review of the R1

These bokshelves are ideal for close placement to back walls: they even have OEM brackets available as inexpensive accessories for mounting on the wall.

"..... The Rega R1 becomes my new budget reference speaker. In addition of its ability to get the fundamentals of music right, it adds clarity and resolution, and an ability to lay out a vivid and coherent 3-dimensional stereo image. In small room applications, what more could you want?...."

highly recommended.