Need passive aggressive advice

To scratch an itch of mine I purchased a preowned Placette passive device and now I'm hooked!
Passives are very system dependent as we all know but I'm stoked on what its doing, or should I say, not doing in my Horn/300B system,
Since I can't leave well enough alone, I'm looking at more "modern" passive designs and have narrowed it down to three of them.
1) latest from Tortuga
2) " The Truth" from the Horn Shoppe
3) Axiom with Walker mods
All with remote. A MUST for me.
I'm assuming that they will all surpass the vishay placette in transparency. ASSUMING.

Appreciate any and all suggestions/comments/alternatives.

Thanks for your time



I use to have the Placette active linestage (it had a unity gain buffer that made it active).  I heard it against the passive and I liked the active version more because it sounded more dynamic. 

I've also heard a light dependent resistor-based passive that was operated by remote control.  It was pretty good sounding, although, it was bettered by a tube-based active in a mini shootout conducted by a friend.

The one that has me curious is the remotely controlled autoformer passive made by Dave Slagle.  I like transformer-based passives, but, most have too few volume steps and are not remote controllable.  Slagle's unit has many small steps, remote control and a balance control.  I believe he sells his unit through a company called MyEmia.  I've heard systems he put together for shows that sounded quite good, but, I haven't actually tried one in my system.

I have no experience with passives but don't forget Goldpoint Level Controls. They've been around for a long, long time and they won't break the bank either. They use a stepped attenuator which can be noisy so proceed with caution. 🤔

All the best,