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Hi All!

  I am new to Audiogone and have enjoyed reading some of the various posts. I hesitate to call myself an audiofile as I do not believe I have the dicerning ears required nor do I have room in my finances to indulge in the purchase of high-end audio gear. I have managed to piece together a system that to me sounds great. I have provided a list below of my gear. My interest in audio began back in 1970 when I was a teenager. I had some relatives who owned some nice stereo systems (not nessessarily "high-end").
In 1972 when I began my career, the first thing I purchased with my earnings was a consumer grade audio system. As life went on and I found myself with a family of my own to support, I lived with that system for almost three decades. In the late 90's a friend of mine, who also was an audio buff and more knowledgable than I, rekindled my interest in audio. This friend advised me in the purchase of the gear I now own. I know my gear is probably "vintage" at this point but hey...still sounds great to my ears! I have learned a few things while reading posts on AG and I have a question. Has streaming digital audio attained a level of quality to make it high end worthy? If so, where can I learn more about it? I have other questions for another time. For now, I am happy to be in your company.

Magnapan 3.5R planer speakers
Velodine 15" Sub Woofer
Hafler 9505 stereo power amp
Audio Research SP11 preamp
Sony SCD-777ES SACD/CD player 2CH
Thorens TD145 MKII turntable
Ortofon cartridge pickup
Nakamichi RX-505 Cassette tape deck


The Hafler amp seems to handle the load quite well. It gets quite warm but I wouldn't say hot. I have a second Hafler 9505 currently not in use. I am considering adding it into the system, strapping both amps mono, one for left channel one for right. Good idea or not? What do you think? I invite all responses.

As I understand it, "strapping" often increases the lowest number of ohms that an amp is comfortable driving.  I.e. a stereo amp drives 2 ohms, but a bridged version only does 4 and up.

If your speakers are biwireable, why not try driving treble and bass with two amps operating in stereo?

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