Sister's wants music system without the hassles!

Evening Goners',

My Sister loves to come over to listen to my system but when i try to explain it to her [she asked!] her eyes glaze over...

I have a nice pair of mint Red Rose R3 [the man!] speakers that i would love to put together an all in one system for her moderate budget!!
Amp, Preamp, dac, cd player, possible streaming , phono outlet .

She's an Analog gal but , with the right component, might venture into digital down the road.
Not anything complicated, just push a few buttons and sit back...:-)

Thanks to all who respond and i will then look each up...

I agree, an integrated is the way to go. The Parasound Halo integrated would include a DAC and phono and can easily drive the Red Rose R3. Just add a $35 chromecast streamer and she's good to go. You can find one used for about $1700 and new for $2500.
Treebeard, the Halo is excellent there is another even more integrated solution.

The Micromega M100 $4,500.00 is about the most perfect product you could ask for:

1: 100 watt high current class A/B amplifier
2: Fantastic built in Dac
3: Fantastic built in Phono stage
4: Built in streamer
5: Decent control app
6: Optional room correction module.

The Micromega sounds amazing, one of the best sounding integrated amplifiers on our floor, we sell Naim, Parasound Halo, NAD, Anthem, Electrocompaniet and a few others. 

The Micromega sounds quite a bit better than the Halo, and you have one excellent slim and elegant product, you won't have to have any external streamer either. 

The other option is the new Nad C 368 or the C 388, these are quite surprising, Good amp, streaming card with Blue Sound, and a built in phono.

Even for an analog girl the ability to stream digital is a big plus. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ