Best Network Music Streamer for Mcintosh Equipment

I just demo'd Mcintosh MB100, nice... but is their another brand that's not so doggone expensive and yet better sound and perfect synergy for MC501's and C2500 preamp?


To my ears, the digital files sounded dull and flat with C2500 internal DAC. My source was Aurender N10. IMO, C2500 has a very nice Analog sound. If you hadn’t already done so, try some Telefunken NOS tubes. 

If you really like the ‘house’ sound and synergy of MB100 through C2500, look for a used one. There is one on Agon on for $3500.

Outside MAC, like Matt recommended, Aurender N100C or N100H is a very good option but I recommend a better DAC to pair with Aurender.

Honestly, you’re are very unlikely to hear any difference between N100 or Google Chromecast as a digital source with C2500 internal DAC.

Thanks guys and gals, it now brings up another question. I know the MB100 has a built in DAC, what other network music streamers, w/o the high price of MB100, with built in quality DACS would you suggest? 
I don’t really like the C2500 DAC and currently use the OPPO 105D but i want to get away from it, and thought a music streamer with built in DAC would be nice. I’m seriously looking at the CAMBRIDGE AUDIO - Azur 851N Network Player. Anyone have experience with this unit or have other suggestions?

Azur 851N would be a great choice. They are currently beta testing Tidal streaming (big plus). I used to own 851N, the SQ is pretty good and a great value considering it’s asking price. Most online vendors offers 30 days return policy. 

The other option is to consider is Aurender A10. You get streamer/DAC and very decent preamp all in one chassis. It also does full MQA decoding as well. 

I know you’re trying to stay within a budget, but these two components are worth mentioning considering the current industry trend of one box solution of DAC/Streamer.
I have no Mac experience, so take this with a grain of salt.

For network connectivity, I use a Bluesound Node.
For DAC, I use an Ayre Codex.
I have no complaints.
Another DAC's I would recommend is the Schiit Gungnir Multibit and Yggy.

To me, DAC technology is going to improve exponentially, so buying the 'best' (and usually, 'most expensive'), is an effort in futility.
Plus, I like how Ayre  and Schiit offer upgrades to their equipment.