Tube Amp Questions

Hello all!

I've decided to build my system around my Thiel CS 3.7 speakers. Currently, I'm using an ARC LS-7 tube line-stage (purchased just 3 weeks ago) feeding my old Denon PMA-2000 IVR integrated. Sources are laptop running Tidal & Roon, as well as Denon 2900 CD/SACD player.  Musical tastes are varied, but I listen mostly to classic rock, the blues, classic jazz & Latin/bossanova. 

My questions are regarding tube amps. One, in real-world experience, are they really that labor intensive to maintain & operate?  Two, the particular amp im considering is an ARC VS110. According to ARC, it draws 400 watts at idle, 620 at rated output & 900 maximum. How big of an impact does running an amp like this have on an electric bill? 

These are newbie questions, I know, but after a really long time as an admirer of the "High-End", I've finally decided to leave "Mid-Fi" behind, albeit by going the vintage/pre-owned route. 

Thanks for any input or reccomendations!


Hey Arvin I say this with all sincerity if you don’t audition the PrimaLuna components you are doing yourself a tremendous disservice. I have owned and auditioned several tube and solid state gear the past 20 years and nothing has brought the musical joy as my PrimaLuna’s. Save yourself some coin and do yourself ur ears a favor. Unless your looking at uber over priced Reference components trust me you will not be disappointed with PL. Please give Kevin Deal a call at Upscale Audio and let him share his years of experience with you. Also visit the PrimaLuna website and look at there product line, reviews and videos. 
Hello all,

Just to provide some closure to this topic, I went with an Audio Research D240 Mk II. I was able to audition it in my system & loved how it drove my Thiels. There was a definite increase in clarity over the entire frequency range, but more noticeably, more power, “slam” & control at the bottom end. For most of the music I listen to, gaining this power & control was probably a good trade off between getting a “warmer” type of sound with a tube amp. 

In the end, I now have tubes in my LS-7 line-stage & in my PH-3 phono pre-amp to go along with the SS D240. 

Thanks again for everyone’s help & suggestions!

Thanks for the follow-up Arvin! You'd be surprised how many people don't bother...