Home audio system recommendations


I hope I have this in the correct forum.

I’m new to this forum and returning to home audio after about a 35 year absence. I am looking to replace my very old system and would be interested in what your recommendations would be.

I enjoy a wide range of genres but primarily gravitate towards rock. About the only genres to do not care for is metal, hip hop/rap and opera and even in those genres I have found cuts that I like.

I was also a part time drummer for many years as well as a front of house audio engineer, that was good enough to freelance with a couple of the larger regional audio production companies in my area.

I am not a technician and have been out of the business now for about 12 years so a lot off the technical jargon is lost on me primarily because I have forgotten what it is.
I like what I call a rich sound. A modified flat, ear response curve with a little bump up in frequencies at 5K and up, a little bigger bump up at 100hz and down and dip in the in the 1K to 2K range. I also like it loud.

The only piece of high end audio equipment I’m familiar with is Magnepan. I love their clarity and accuracy but I’m not sure they can deliver the very low end that I’m looking for, at least not by them selves. I’ve also heard some Bowers & Wilkins that I’ve liked.

As far as amps and preamps I have no idea as to what I am doing. I have listened to a couple of McIntosh amps and I was not impressed. I thought they were rather thin sounding. I have also listened to a couple of Bel Canto amps, a Coda Technology and an Audio Research amp, all of which I thought were better than the McIntosh amps.

I do not know the models of any of the gear that I have listened to with the exception of the Bel Canto which was their current e series mono block amps with their e 3.7 DAC/Preamp. All other amps were integrated.

I would not call myself a purist. I’m just interested in good clean sound with some solid low end thump. Any recommendations?


Tone is the utmost importance for me and if I can't get the windows in the house to rattle with each kick drum beat while the system is delivering clear, warm and intelligible mids and crystalline highs for that little touch of sugar I might as well just listen to my iPod.

It appears that you have conflicting goals. I'm not saying that a sound system cannot deliver on the above. Rather that one's ears / hearing/processing will be overwhelmed by the 'kick drums rattling the windows and the subsequent reflected waves to (your word) 'intelligently' process all the other stuff, at the levels of warmth and clarity you are asking for.

Now here it comes.  There is a tendency for people just to chime in with their own speaker with the opinion that "they are the best speakers, period". lol.  Speakers are a very personal choice and not every speaker is the right one for every person.  I personally do not like the Wilson signature because I feel it is slightly too thin and overly clear sounding - almost like "turning up the sharpness on video too much".  That's my own personal opinion, but based on what you said you are looking for, the "Wilson signature" may be what you want.

Focal speakers are very clean and fast.  However, for me, they just seem too thin overall (not enough body/thickness -- even in the bass).  The beryllium tweeter is crystal clear, but I noticed that it introduces a "bell like" character to all tones.  I'm sure many people love Focal, but it is not for me.

It's unfortunate that you said speaker weight is an issue.  If you are looking for strong bass, you have to accept very large/heavy cabinets and drivers.  You could do a subwoofer, but the fidelity may not be what your looking for.  Maybe look into REL subwoofers.  They tend to blend very well with audiophile speakers.

The Wilson Sophia 3 is about 165 lbs per speaker.  That is a sign of good cabinet construction (cabinet that is resistant to resonance with good bracing).  The Sophia do have wheels so moving them around is easy, but you would need help with getting them up/down stairs.  The Sophia is 89db efficient, which is pretty good for an audiophile speaker (typical is 86-87).  As I said, they require high current amp.  A 100 watts per channel is somewhat lean in my opinion, I would recommend 200 watts minimum.  The Parasound JC1 are 400 watt monoblocks, but something like Parasound A21 would be minimum.  I do not have experience with tube amps, so I could not advise on what would be good.

TMR Audio is a vendor that re-sells used audio equipment (a.k.a. The Music Room).  They are excellent in customer service.  I have purchased from them several times.

If you have some good ear buds, maybe you can listen to some youtube videos.  Obviously, it's not going to sound as if you were really there hearing the speaker, but I have actually found it is very good at giving you an idea of the "sonic character" of a speaker.

Some videos of the Wilson Sophia 3. 




With the B&W D3 series, you should be able to hear that the midrange is a lot stronger and more solid, but not quite as "crystal clear" sounding.  I think the B&W has pretty good strength in bass/midbass.  In my own opinion, I think the B&W D3 sounds the most natural and real.  It depends on your personal tastes which you like better.




Here's an example of a more "warm" sounding midrange.  The previous generation B&W Diamond (D2) has a warmer / less clear sounding midrange.


With Focal, hopefully you will be able to hear the difference in character.  Once again, it's all personal taste.




Hopefully all this helps.

Well, if you are going to keep the Maggie's, then you should only concern yourself with amp/pre/dac or TT.
John Rutan at Audioconnection sells Magnepan and other speakers.
I would PM or email him and get his take on this. I hate to recommend a brand of speaker/amp/pre just because I like it. It is the synergy of the components that make the music come to life. And, Johnny is one of the nicest and knowledgeable people you will find in the hifi world.
If you want bass the Maggie's are NOT the way to go- building a system usually STARTS with the speakers... actually, always starts there.  Without a great amplifier to go with your great speaker choice
you're going to be disappointed with the results.  THEN you need to get the best CDP you can afford.  You can scrimp on a preamp if you find a great headphone amplifier or a CDP with a variable output (volume) control.  Wire comes last and power cords come after wire.
Power conditioners are not (relatively) important either.  
    Finally, your present room is 10 x 14 which is not very large, but you state you're considering other rooms for later.  This is no small matter and you have to make a decision about your future plans 
before you buy anything at all.  
    If you were going to do what I did (which is hardly good advice but it's the only thing i can talk about with any authority) is get an older pair of B&W speakers.  They kick ass and play nice and clean too.  Plus you can get something higher up the line by going back a few years.  And there are lots of examples out there both here and elsewhere.  Last but not least, best of luck.