Believe me I understand your position on hearing speakers of interest at shows. This does act to a certain degree as a screening process and is better than no exposure at all. My point is that if there is very serious interest in definitively judging a speaker home audition is the undisputed best option.
Regarding Zu speakers my listening impressions at audio shows (4 separate occasions) have been the same disappointing result.
Just unimpressed. Each occasion was the same. Very loud rock music and driven with solid state amplifiers, outcome= poor sound quality. Perhaps I needed to hear them with acoustic jazz at reasonable volume levels driven by a good tube (or solid state) amplifier, who knows?
Believe me I understand your position on hearing speakers of interest at shows. This does act to a certain degree as a screening process and is better than no exposure at all. My point is that if there is very serious interest in definitively judging a speaker home audition is the undisputed best option.
Regarding Zu speakers my listening impressions at audio shows (4 separate occasions) have been the same disappointing result.
Just unimpressed. Each occasion was the same. Very loud rock music and driven with solid state amplifiers, outcome= poor sound quality. Perhaps I needed to hear them with acoustic jazz at reasonable volume levels driven by a good tube (or solid state) amplifier, who knows?