If your system were a car!

Let's have fun here! If your system were are car what kind would it be and why? I'm still trying to figure out what mine is but still haven't nailed it yet.

Maybe a responsive roadster that allows you to move quickly, feel the road, corner tight but enjoy the ride. It wouldn't be anything newer but maybe a decade or two older. I haven't though of the make, model and year but I'm working on it.

The  reason is that my system can tell me what is happening with my recordings but not at the expensive of discomforting my ear. It is not a big system but it is accurate and with the top down feels great on a nice day. It is a performer but not bleeding edge tech. Not too hot, not too cold but just enough to keep you on edge and engaged.
Sounds like an old school 1965, Shelby Corbra with a 427. Old school quality with excellent performance!
Old 97's 'El Paso' ....'if my heart was a car you would have stripped it a long time ago."
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Although car analogies in hi-fi only go so far (and we've seen them in reviews and comments over the years, I've used them too), I never really thought about what car(s) my system(s) are comparable to.
I was a "car guy" since I was a kid (though I've pretty much quit driving, at least for transportation) and owned quite a few cool cars. The mindset and community is not dissimilar to audio, with lot's of different sub-cultures of vintage, exotic, America iron, etc. Specs v. the behind the wheel experience. The uber level and the bang for the buck crowd. Is the Munich Show essentially Pebble Beach? I dunno. 
I still have a piece of a car sitting in my office that has the exact same paint job as my horns- in Italian the car color was Rosso Vik. The heat from the exhaust melted the bumper area, and a heat shield had to be installed. The piece, warped by heat, was cut out and is now sitting on a shelf. The car itself is long gone. The horns, still got 'em. 
Do any of your systems leak oil? :)