Thanks for checking that out. Being an accomplished pianist yourself, perhaps the master class was not as intriguing for you as it was for me. I was fascinated by the spectacle of these impressive pianists being put through their paces and baring their artistic souls for Bolet and the public. Some of his critiques must have been quite humbling for these brave musicians.
In the end, I was most impressed by their ability to reshape their interpretations on the fly in response to Bolet’s advice. It demonstrated their true technical command. I had always wondered how much of a particular pianist’s interpretation was dictated by their technique or lack thereof in a piece such as this. I came away even more impressed by them, even though Bolet clearly was operating on an entirely different level. Truly fascinating stuff for me.
Thanks for checking that out. Being an accomplished pianist yourself, perhaps the master class was not as intriguing for you as it was for me. I was fascinated by the spectacle of these impressive pianists being put through their paces and baring their artistic souls for Bolet and the public. Some of his critiques must have been quite humbling for these brave musicians.
In the end, I was most impressed by their ability to reshape their interpretations on the fly in response to Bolet’s advice. It demonstrated their true technical command. I had always wondered how much of a particular pianist’s interpretation was dictated by their technique or lack thereof in a piece such as this. I came away even more impressed by them, even though Bolet clearly was operating on an entirely different level. Truly fascinating stuff for me.