Turntable Set-Up

I am wondering if anyone can suggest a person in the Portland Oregon area to set-up turntables? Looking for someone who can work on both Gimbal and Unipivot style arms...and hopefully would do it on site.
Many thanks for any suggestions!
Go to Vinyl Engine and obtain all the information and tools you need to learn and do it right yourself. Free your self from the chains of dependency.
Good advice from raymondo. I watched Brooks and Brian Berdan install, align, and test table/arm/cartridge set ups for years, but have always done my own. It's not brain surgery! You just have to know a few principles, have the right tools, good light, and not be in a hurry. Get Michael Fremer's DVD, he covers everything.
@rwanda, I'm going to Pearl Audio this afternoon for the world premiere of the Magneplanar MG30.7. I'll check out their service department, and ask them about table/arm/cartridge work. Check back later today (Monday, 3-5).
I'm friends with a member of the Portland Audio Society, Michael is his name, and he is a go-to setup guy for some of the society's members. I have heard his vinyl setup, it is superb. He is a member of Audiogon, with the handle of Oregon. Look him up, and see if he can help.
