At $5,000.....any thoughts?

This system needed to be new components only. Speakers will be located fairly close to the reasons I went with a sealed design. Also, at $5, off here and there, was a factor.

This system is for my wifes Doctor (female), my wife got me in to this little project. It's going in a med sized area....finished basement.

1. Sanyo PLV-Z5 projector

2. Carada 110" screen

3. Onkyo TX-SR805 7.1 receiver

4. OPPO DV-970HD DVD player

5. NHT Classic 3.... front speakers

6. NHT Classic 2....rear speakers

7. SHU Research VTF-2 MK-3 subwoofer

8 Energy 25" stands for front and rears.

Cables are not in budget, but will be budget brands. HD-DVD player will some point?

Dave, a good deal for your wife's good DOC is fine. Have fun..
BTW I will bet the system will be fine! Good choices.
Why isn't selling your wife's Doc a 3-4x's more expensive system a good deal? Aren't there any deals to be had for $20k systems? I'm sure I could find one or two for millionare's.

Good Choices?
Ok here's where novices simply either ignore or don't understand all the relative variables pertinent in a setup, as well as the acoustics, and think that what"they think is good gear" is simply blanketly going to be a greater choice for anyone,regarless. Well so if they have a low ceiling in the basement, and/or sit relatively farther back from the speakers/screen, are then those NHT's still a good choice? I THINK NOT!!!!! You'll then be hearing too much reflected sound off the celing from the tweeter and midrange units, mixing with the direct signal from the speakers, and SMEARING THE IMAGING, DETAIL, SOUNDSTAGE, AND DYNAMICS!!! Basically, a softening your presentation, diffusing the soundstage upfront, and making for lower fidelity all around! Basically, in this scenario, those speakers would not be a good choice, at that point! So, it depends on what's going on in the room.
Remember, acoustics, system setup and engineering, and tweaking of a system, are EASILY 50% or more of the performance of the sound system!!!-and often times, more!
Another beef I have with this system recommendation is the relatively lowish power capability (receivers are already limited in current delivery) to drive such low sensitivity speakers (86db for 3's and, what, 85db for the 2's?!) For those speakers I'd want a minim of 200 watts of high current separates power amp to make em work even adequate! Infact, any 92db Klipsch speaker require only 25% of the relative power!!!! Which makes other more sensitive speaker designs much more dynamically nimble, likely dynamic, and responsive-especially at lower volume levels.
And yes, I wouldn't match an already thin sounding receiver with such reveiling and neutral sounding of a speaker as those Classic 3's. But that's my preference.
Also, 25" stands? What's the rest of the setup like? The screen placement? How high is the ceiling? (you may or may not end up with better sound placing the speakers higher, but depends. If lower ceiling (8ft), then 25" should work fine.
Still, in a nice setup, I would consider placing speakers on wall mounts, to clean up the look, and enlist some DSP or EQ correction. Another thought--at which point you could get rid of stands. Also, speakers on stands, in a room, looks very "gear'ish" or "hi-fi'ish"? So is a WOMAN going to be happy with that look? Likely not. So consider.
Also, Oppo DVD player? You're selling a Doctor older technology? Why not sell here a $299 (retail) HDDVD player that upscales DVD's as well?! I mean, for a tiny bit more money, she can take advantage of newer, better technology.
It's a thought.
But again, what's the system going to be used for? Music and movies? Only movies? Multiple seating? (how many?) Listening to music while moving around the room/house?
Lot's to consider TO DO IT RIGHT! Well meaning considerations for otherwise decent gear might just not be the best selection for ALL scenarios in my experiences

Thanks for the interesting....and long reply, I'll try to respond:

The room is drywall, including ceiling (14'x 25'x 8.5'). Screen viewing distance is around 17' with flexibility here...also, flexibility on screen size. The screen has not been ordered.

Acoustics, system setup....I'm hardly a newbee, I've been at this for over 35 years. That said, this lower price level is not an area I've visited for a long while...a $5,000 budget, including projector and screen, does require a good amount of thought and research.

The Onkyo: This Onkyo has a good power supply (more than enough for these speakers)...THX Ultra2 certification, Audyssey room correction, the very latest HDMI specs, Yada, yada, yada....a more advanced generation of receiver than most of the others you other words, most of them have some catching up to do.....I've also been impressed with past Onkyo receivers I've setup, used, and owned.

The Denon, I like Denon products, but....over priced in this, no real gain to be had for the extra $$$ spent. The Yamaha, I don't like the Yamaha thin "house sound". The Outlaw, it is under spec's for this system. The Arcam, it's a budget buster, behind the curve, underpowered. The Harmon Kardon, it's overpriced, "way" behind the curve, underpowered...ugly.

The speakers: Tuff mention of music came up, I took care of that anyway, IMHO. This new OPPO even passes DVD-Audio and SACD through it's HDMI output (or, at least they say it does)....something fairly rare?

Subwoofer: HSU...very good at this price point, there were others that may have been just as good.

DVD player: As I mentioned above...HD-DVD would have been "my" first choice....not a big deal anyway IMO, they are "good to go".... when ever they are ready, (they won't need me for this)...the Onkyo has three HDMI inputs.

In the end, changes could be made at little cost to the buyer (I'm sure I missed something)....the reason for my post.

The good Doctor: I see no reason to rob her pocket book, I've done my "people scan" on her, (and her husband)...they pass in every way....a fair days pay will be plenty.


Well......... you won't get any complaints from me about the said system you have listed above. But as one poster as stated, too bad the client was hell bent on buying new gear only. Because if used gear was put into the equation, then I can put together EVEN a better system for that same $5K your wife's doctor is spending on his/her system.

Throw in another $5K-to-$10K extra, and I'll promise you, when I am done, the Doc will not ever want to go to a cineplex ever again.

Other than that...... no complaints.

"The good Doctor: I see no reason to rob her pocket book,"

Lol! "Robing her pocket book?" Well Sogood51, DO NOT go into sales, whatever you do! You'll have to forgive me, as that comment cracks me up! I'm sure there's an "issue" with you in there somewhere. It's all good though...
One of the first rules of sales is "never spend other peoples money for them!!!" But, if you have issue with "the Good Doc" budget ,and feel you're saving her wallet from the audio-burglers, well than that's noble. (Note to self: "all doctors, and other rich people, should be saved from high priced audio/video!!!'m just teasing)

Anywhooz, as for the Onkyo, I must admit I've not heard their highest-end models as of late. Sure hope they sound WAY BETTER than their past models, and entry pieces. Cause EVERYONE I know in the audiobusiness who's sold em over the years, including myself (all discerning audiophiles) EASILY dislike the Onky-donky's! The HK's ALWAYS beat up on em sonically. Infact, I just heard a demo of an older model Onkyo the other day at HSU Research's demo room, AND BELIEVE ME, IT SUCKED SONICALLY! Anyway, I personally reinforced what I've heard from the Onkyo's in the past. So, can't comment on the Flagship pieces. Dunno. Hope it's good.
Anywhooz, you didn't mention the ceiling height? At 17 feet back (that's a long way), with a 9' celing or lower, you'll most definitely have problems acoustically (unless you get acoustic treatments up there, coffering, etc) with the sound with those speakers, YOU CAN COUNT ON IT! I'd go with Dappolito's, Horns, Dipolars or something that will focus the sound more, and limit floor to ceiling reflections!! (Even THX designs). Otherwise, SMEARED SONIC NIGHTMARE!!!!
Good luck