Why isn't selling your wife's Doc a 3-4x's more expensive system a good deal? Aren't there any deals to be had for $20k systems? I'm sure I could find one or two for millionare's.
Good Choices?
Ok here's where novices simply either ignore or don't understand all the relative variables pertinent in a setup, as well as the acoustics, and think that what"they think is good gear" is simply blanketly going to be a greater choice for anyone,regarless. Well so if they have a low ceiling in the basement, and/or sit relatively farther back from the speakers/screen, are then those NHT's still a good choice? I THINK NOT!!!!! You'll then be hearing too much reflected sound off the celing from the tweeter and midrange units, mixing with the direct signal from the speakers, and SMEARING THE IMAGING, DETAIL, SOUNDSTAGE, AND DYNAMICS!!! Basically, a softening your presentation, diffusing the soundstage upfront, and making for lower fidelity all around! Basically, in this scenario, those speakers would not be a good choice, at that point! So, it depends on what's going on in the room.
Remember, acoustics, system setup and engineering, and tweaking of a system, are EASILY 50% or more of the performance of the sound system!!!-and often times, more!
Another beef I have with this system recommendation is the relatively lowish power capability (receivers are already limited in current delivery) to drive such low sensitivity speakers (86db for 3's and, what, 85db for the 2's?!) For those speakers I'd want a minim of 200 watts of high current separates power amp to make em work even adequate! Infact, any 92db Klipsch speaker require only 25% of the relative power!!!! Which makes other more sensitive speaker designs much more dynamically nimble, likely dynamic, and responsive-especially at lower volume levels.
And yes, I wouldn't match an already thin sounding receiver with such reveiling and neutral sounding of a speaker as those Classic 3's. But that's my preference.
Also, 25" stands? What's the rest of the setup like? The screen placement? How high is the ceiling? (you may or may not end up with better sound placing the speakers higher, but depends. If lower ceiling (8ft), then 25" should work fine.
Still, in a nice setup, I would consider placing speakers on wall mounts, to clean up the look, and enlist some DSP or EQ correction. Another thought--at which point you could get rid of stands. Also, speakers on stands, in a room, looks very "gear'ish" or "hi-fi'ish"? So is a WOMAN going to be happy with that look? Likely not. So consider.
Also, Oppo DVD player? You're selling a Doctor older technology? Why not sell here a $299 (retail) HDDVD player that upscales DVD's as well?! I mean, for a tiny bit more money, she can take advantage of newer, better technology.
It's a thought.
But again, what's the system going to be used for? Music and movies? Only movies? Multiple seating? (how many?) Listening to music while moving around the room/house?
Lot's to consider TO DO IT RIGHT! Well meaning considerations for otherwise decent gear might just not be the best selection for ALL scenarios in my experiences