Simple snake oil detection

Hi there were soooo many posts asking af any given device, toy, tweak or component is snake oil.
I’m not considered to be disbeliever or engineering guru at all. All I know and use is elementary math.

If an amp worth more than new Bmw, I can kinda take that with grain of salt, but if a wire is worth more than stainway grand, I am DEFINITELY sure snake oil is there without even questioning if this particular product makes sense 

So now any audio device can be plugged into the detection formula above to truthfully define snake oil. All you need to know is product name, description and asking price.

What TELOS Quantum Diffuser is doing is actually very simple.....Geoff, I do not read video in the above. Maybe you can? I trust the credentials of my source implicitly. Plus I can read.

>>>> Acoustic Revive is the original. Acoustic Revive claims it improves video. Besides manufacturers have to claim something, no? Give them a break. Everybody and his brother makes these Schumann things these days. Nobody seems to know how they work, I’ll grant you that. You’re under no obligation to believe them or buy the product the last time I looked. By the way I see no reference in that description to the electromagnetic wave nullifying acoustic feedback you originally objected to. Did it just disappear?

What you wrote,

”....if you compute the wavelength vs path length, you come up with around 8Hz which is what this box claimed to emit electromagnetic waves to nullify acoustic feedback! This magic box, of not inconsiderable expense, couldn’t acoustically nullify itself if it tried.”

Pop Quiz: How long would a full wave antenna have to be to produce an 8 Hz electromagnetic wave? 

To say that there is no ’snake oil’ is the same as saying every claim every vendor or fanboy makes to support their particular product is true.

Any takers on that?

>>>>You guys can’t prove the claims false. How ‘bout them apples? 🍎 🍎 You can’t even provide evidence they’re false. Get Real! I already challenged you guys to demonstrate that ANY of the well known snake oil tweaks are hoaxes. You can’t. It’s just a lot of talk. Apparently all can come up with is a statement that’s supposed to be some sort of Final Skeptics Statement that actually doesn’t even make sense. “To say that there is no ‘snake oil’ is the same as saying every claim every vendor or fanboy makes to support their particular product is true.” Ha ha! That’s priceless! What does it even mean, Moops?! 😛

Of course the snake oil salesmen absolutely have no problem making baseless sometimes even absolute claims and will do what they can to discredit any naysayer or skeptic. Watch out!

>>>>You guys can’t prove the claims are baseless so let’s just assume they’re true. Absolute claims? Whoa! What? Is that from the New Skeptics Dictionary? Funny! Besides nobody is bound to prove any claims. You can claim anything you want. Your assertion is just an Old Wives Tale that’s been promulgated by scaredy cats. 🙀 Don’t worry so much. We’re only discrediting your arguments. We don’t need to stoop to personal attacks.

”People would be much better off, generally speaking, if the believed in too much rather than too little.” - P. T. Barnum
Good question. No, he didn’t. Thanks for asking. It appears that’s another Old Wives Tale promulgated by Scaredy Cat Skeptics. 🙀