Once you get into it, CD's seem to lose their magic.
I never thought I would move to the digital side, but I did. Having an almost limitless catalog to choose from and not having to get up to flip an LP or change a CD, makes streaming so nice.
Though some streaming companies aren't up to high def, I am sure it will change in the near future. At which point, I think it will be the dominant force.
Though some will swear by vinyl, I grew up with it and really have no desire to return to warped records and having to get up every 30 minutes.
But, then I am getting old...
I never thought I would move to the digital side, but I did. Having an almost limitless catalog to choose from and not having to get up to flip an LP or change a CD, makes streaming so nice.
Though some streaming companies aren't up to high def, I am sure it will change in the near future. At which point, I think it will be the dominant force.
Though some will swear by vinyl, I grew up with it and really have no desire to return to warped records and having to get up every 30 minutes.
But, then I am getting old...