A quick update...the Triode Labs 2a3 si came this week, I believe the last one to be built as Frank Ing told me it was his last chassis for this model. It is a hammertone gray and quite lovely to behold. I had it upgraded from the normal build, with Hashimoto transformers all around and Hashimoto choke. In addition working with Frank Ing he put in a number of other upgrades including Mudorff Supreme coupling caps, Lorlin selector switch, CMC tube sockets and more....it is a FFX model. It has only about 24-30 hours on it and I have been told it will need about 150 hours to really settle in to judge fully the sound. I put the KR 2a3 tubes in it and am enjoying it immensely already.....a really wide sound-stage, solid bass and mid range base and beautiful upper range.
Will keep you informed but so far really enjoying this ride......and listening to lots of cd's and vinyl....Bill Evans is back in it now......
Will keep you informed but so far really enjoying this ride......and listening to lots of cd's and vinyl....Bill Evans is back in it now......