We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses

LOL, I'll bet I gotcha on that Title! ;)  BTW, I put this thread under "Tech Talk" category as it involves the system physically, not tangentially. 

More seriously, two question survey:

1. Do you think designer fuses are A) a Gift to audiophiles, or B) Snake Oil 

2. Have you ever tried them?  Yes or No

In the tradition of such questions on Agon, I'll weigh in as we go along... 
Feel free to discuss and rant all you wish, but I would like to see clear answers to the questions. :) 
I think its a mischaracterization to say jealousy drives some of the naysayer comments. Personally, I know that other people can hear better than I can - no problem. Likewise, I have no problem with people of means buying whatever they like. What is troubling is the misrepresentation of the benefits of these dubious products.

>>>>Huh? Whoa!! First, no one accused anyone of jealousy. Where did you come up with that? We DO accuse them of being pseudo skeptics since real skeptics would actually attempt to get to the bottom of all this fuse business instead of shooting from the hip and from the comfort of their Barco Lounger. Second, no one has misrepresented the benefits of the aftermarket fuses. Haven’t you been following? Talk about shooting from the hip. What HAS been misrepresented is the notion that “well designed amps” are immune to the benefits of aftermarket fuses and some sort of mumbo jumbo nonsense that science can’t explain why aftermarket fuses work better than an ordinary fuses.

It appears Harbeth in their wisdom copied the business model for blind test scams set forth by The Amazing Randi and his Education Foundation. Cough, cough!
The owner of Harbeth Speakers has an interesting challenge that he has offered for years.

Certain folks here on Agon get all bent-out-of-shape at the mere thought of a "challenge". 

NASA gets the high end fuse bug. Note similarity to audiophile high end fuses. 😁

“The high voltage power systems of satellites and spacecraft present unique fuse and fault protection challenges. High reliability fuses presently defined by MIL-PRF-23419 do not meet the increased voltage and amperage requirements for the next generation of spacecraft. Solid-body style fuses exhibit superior electrical and mechanical attributes that enable these fuses to perform reliably in the vacuum and high vibration and shock environments typically present in spacecraft applications. The construction and screening techniques for solid-body fuses described by MIL-PRF- 23419/12 offer an excellent roadmap for the development of high voltage solid-body fuses.

While FM08 style fuses are constructed with a wire filament that passes through a hollow cavity (see Figure 1), solid-body fuses (FM12 styles included) are designed and constructed in a manner that ensures that the overall fuse package is substantially devoid of air. Figure 2 provides a sectional view of a typical FM12 style fuse. The fusible element is comprised of thick film gold that is deposited on a thermally and electrically insulated substrate. A complete range of fusing values is achievable by precisely controlling the fusible element print thickness and geometry. Thick film silver termination pads are placed at each end of the thick film fusible element. The fusible element is completely covered with an arc suppressive glass. Leads are attached to the silver terminations by the use of high temperature solder. The final fuse package is insert molded with an engineering thermoplastic to complete the fuse.”

NOTE: Excerpt provided above taken from technical paper written almost twenty years ago. - your friend and humble scribe who, incidentally, presented a paper to the national AIAA conference on the dodgy subject of a low thrust ion engine for interplanetary travel exactly 50 years ago today.