Speakers "Disappearing"

I have read a lot about speakers "disappearing" so that one can't tell from where the sound is emanating. But, what about all the stereo tunes where the recordiing engineer intentionally pans the music to come from one side or the other? Can the speakers be made to "disappear" in that situation? Or, is it just the nature of the particular recording?
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rlb61 OP232 posts03-24-2018 12:02pm@georgehifi  ... any idea where I can get that disc? I looked on Amazon and the Chesky website, but couldn't find it.

Cheers George
@georgehifi ... thanks. I looked for "DJ 37 Sampler" instead of "Vol. 1." Unfortunately, it's a digital download only and I'm a CD dinosaur.
To each his own. I like the symmetry. Fortunately or unfortunately in my system, even a 1/2 inch difference is audible. Hence I make sure that I place the speakers the way I want.
Maybe it is not absolutely required, but hey, when you have the ability and affinity to do it, why not dial in to get the best out of your system.
@milpai ... I most definitely agree with you. In my 10x10x8 tiny man-cave, it’s critical to get the measurements on both sides of the room as close to each other as possible.