Inexpensive Tube Amps

Anyone have any experience with the following?  I want to try one just to see how the sound compares to my Yamaha and Denon solid states.  Since the Denon is living on borrowed time I will likely have to replace it this year anyway.  Looking at the Nubsound and noted a Germtune that is identical to the Nubsound but costs a bit more.  Reviews are largely good including those on other forums.
For what its worth, I haven't had any experience with the hybrid designs but the Yaqin amps I've experienced (probably close to a dozen now) have all been solid for the money.  I'd still have no issue buying an all-tube Yaqin if I had a small budget.  Each piece I've experienced was also manufactured after 2005 so perhaps QC has gone up since then.
I own  a Dared I30 tube intergrated amp 35wpc. I bough it 3 years ago from 
 China. I paid $850 shipping inclued .I love it have used it on a number of different speaker set ups.Dyanco A25s ,JBL 230s,JBL H810s,Sono Fabia Lutos .No problems what so ever .Plenty of power ,beauty piece of equipment .I alsio bought a Yashin tube Pre Amp paided about $250 shipping inclued used it with Carver power amps,Sherwood amp,and Marantz  Amps .Never a problem they are all SS amps.Sounds great.
have you considered Quicksilver? MiniMites or MidMonos used would be in that price range. Ive used quicksilver for years and they are incredibly awesome.
Be careful if considering PrimaLuna. Mine broke down three times in the first 10 months I had it. Never owned such an unreliable piece of hifi gear.
I have 2 friends that own Prima Luna. One has the high powered integrated and the other has 2 dialog mono blocks and a Dialog preamp and BOTH systems have been 100% reliable and they sound incredible. The friend with the mono blocks is using Vienna Acoustics speakers, some big floor standing speakers. The other person is running a pair of Vandersteen 3A signatures. I have listened to these systems with my friends, hours on end and musical, musical, musical they certainly are.

One more thing, if you are planning on getting an amp that is Made In China, you better do it now because there is a Trade War coming.  There are BIG tariffs going into effect for Chinese Made products so the prices are going to go up once the current inventory gets sold.  I am sure some unscruptilous dealers will jack the price up on their current inventory, just to get an extra buck or two so be casreful.