Speakers "Disappearing"

I have read a lot about speakers "disappearing" so that one can't tell from where the sound is emanating. But, what about all the stereo tunes where the recordiing engineer intentionally pans the music to come from one side or the other? Can the speakers be made to "disappear" in that situation? Or, is it just the nature of the particular recording?
Whether or not ones eyes are opened or closed during the listening session also plays a role as to how well the speakers disappear.
I could never get my speakers to image properly. No matter what I did. That includes many different audio equipment or different speakers large or small. Until I got into OBs (open baffle speakers) Now the speakers completelydisappear. The only drawback is that in order to get proper bass, you will need large speakers. Good for an audio room, but not so great for a living room I'm afraid.
some of the older hard stereo crap will never disappear, vocals to the left, guitars to the right...always from the speakers.
@nitewulf - 

Some of that is "fake" stereo. Actually multi-track mono recordings they put out in stereo to try and cash in. I think there's at least one famous Beatles recording like that. 

But even then, there's a difference between hearing the instruments coincide with the speakers and hearing the speakers themselves as unique sound sources in your space.


i think with good placementand gear, and room acoustics, ie, rugs and things, you should definitely have a phantom center image. but expecting every recording to go beyond the speakers' width is a tough ask, i think its very recording dependent.