Since you've had both, could you give a bit of detail to compare the Pulsars vs the Perspectives?
It's been a year since I demoed both. The first time I ever heard Joseph speakers was the Pearl 3 at the Montreal show last year, playing a vocal acapella track. I was stopped in my tracks because it wasn't simply that the sound was incredibly clear - plenty of high end speakers do that. It was the tone and timbre - voices actually sounded warm and human in an exceedingly real way where you recognize "that's what people singing in front of me sound like." Totally grain-free and unmechanical.
I demoed the Pulsars and found they had the same family sound, a delight to sit in front of those speakers. Then the dealer asked if I wanted to hear the Perspectives. I first objected because I wasn't in the market for that price. But he set them up - a perfect "upselling moment" - and after listening to the Perspectives they utterly grabbed me. It seemed like the Pulsars...but more of it (and somewhat more even in the mids to lower mids, as they have the additional driver and don't need an additional boost in that area like the stand mounted Pulsars do).
But I was awestruck at how utterly different and accurate every instrument sounded as they entered a mix.
Anyway, enough of my thoughts. What are yours?