Denon's new Blu-Ray player

Denon is releasing a hi-end Blu-Ray player for 2000.00.
I pesonally don't get people "waiting" here. I mean, for a couple/few hundo's, you can have HD! What's up?
What are we waiting for?
I got on the train and bought the Sony BDP-s300. It is cheap and the picture quality is so much better than the SD DVD. If you want the HD formats to continue support them and buy a player. 400 bucks is not unreasonable for the huge gain in picture and sound quality. If you want the HD formats to die and can live with SD DVD then do nothing.
Knowing how good the HD stuff is why wait?
I agree. Yes, I just picked up a used Blu-Ray player and the picture is stunning. This is a format worth investing in.

09-27-07: Newbie13
Waiting 4 years is denying yourself 4 years of a better picture.
Newbie13 (Threads | Answers)

09-28-07: Flrnlamb
I pesonally don't get people "waiting" here. I mean, for a couple/few hundo's, you can have HD! What's up?
Flrnlamb (Threads | Answers)

And yet, by buying a scaler, a) I don't end up on the wrong side of a format war and b) I don't have to rebuy the movies that I already own.

I don't intend to rain on anybody else's parade, that's just the choice that I've made.