Paper Based Speaker Cone Question

I am considering a pair of Ohm Walsh speakers, likely the beta Super Sound Cylinders or the beta 3.3010s with the integral powered subwoofers. Ohm has indicated to me that the speaker cones are made from a paper based material. Should this concern me or not considering the pricing is around $5k to $6k / speaker pair? Can paper based speaker cones perform properly and have reasonable durability?  Are there other similar cost speakers with paper cones?

Sounds like you have pre-buyers remorse. Audionote speakers have/had paper cones. Many prefer paper due to its vocal naturalness.   
Yes they can and my experience has been the Ohm Walshes are very durable.   

Some of the finest speakers ever made have used and still use pulp cones.....Sonus Faber , JBL,  Aerial to name a few