Top ‘Mass Market’ Receivers ?

A friend wants to upgrade his 8 year old,then top of the line Onkyo receiver, for modern connectivity. Advice on the best of today’s majors? Sony,Pioneer,Onkyo,etc? I’m still listening to stereo so can’t offer him knowledge other than what this post may bring. Thanks
If you like SS and Onkyo, get a new one. Also try Yamaha, they have a model for every level.
(1) Upgrading "connectivity" implies going from legacy old composite to HDMI . In a general "mass market" $2000++ price-strata, it’s just a "just pick one of ’em" simple selection process in a sea of pretenders generally void of contenders......Nada much to differentiate among them in a crowded arena of brands.

(2) Without prejudice to the above, go look up the tsunami of rant posts both here in AGON and on CANUCKAUDIOMART about the legendary AVR HDMI board failures plaguing virtually all crap build ChiFi AVRs. It’s invariably only a question of "when".... not "if" that they disappoint because they don’t last very long before they become a failed and now useless item that is now a boat anchor.

It affects virtually all the brands but ONKYO appears to be the worst in that their HDMI board failures are so legendary .

Caveat emptor

These posts imply ONKYO units are built to a flawed design and cheapest build quality with the HDMI board failure issues are legendary and still continuing with arguably the highest rate of unit HDMI reported complaints re: failures, among the brands. ...AND NO FIX available.

E.g.: Onkyo TX-NR636 .... I’ve extracted another consumer posted review from CNET
98512 Sep 29, 2014

".... Onkyo is not a product I’d recommend as a purchase. Simply google Onkyo problems or Onkyo complaints and you’ll find what lots of us previous Onkyo owners have to say. I purchased one because of it’s features and after 18 months I now have a very expensive black brick which is unusable. Heating problems (my receiver was always on an open shelf with no heat generated above or below it. HDMI problems and a customer service that is unacceptable. While you might get a unit that will work, for the amount you are paying why gamble and have to pay again to send the heavy weight item to California for 2 or 3 [/i]months to get it back and it may still continue to have problems...."

Do some Due Diligence and research all the receivers problems before deciding on their uber-fast obsolescence and indicated current unreliable products.

The mass-marker fare ars all built to their lowest-you-can make pricepoint , so you pretty well have to go to a KRELL, CARY, or top ARCAM et al (all well north of $5000) to have some assurance or comfort of a better build product.

Update to prior post

(1) typo fix: it should read " SUB-$2000 price strata"

(2) inadvertently left out : based on user prior posted comments, the upper level  YAMAHA units appear to be the best of the general consumer "mass-market" fare.
The best combination of sound quality and reliability from what I've read between reviews and customer posts is Yamaha.