Inexpensive Tube Integrated Amp (Hybrid) To Use With Coincident Speakers

I’m a bit of a neophyte with digital applications, so please be patient with me.  I have 15 year old very sensitive Coincident Tower Speakers.  We have moved into a small house, and I want to set up a section of the “great room,” as they call it, for my music listening, away from the TV. Israel Blum, the creator of Coincident sells very expensive tube amps which, as a retired teacher, I cannot afford.  What I am looking for is a decent tube integrated amp, or small SS integrated amp, with low wattage and warmth, to drive my Cooincidents, which are very sensitive speakers.  However, I do not use records or CDs, and stream music from Spotify. Is there an integrated amp that would meet my needs?  Would I need a DAC, which I truly have no understanding of?  Monoprice makes an integrated, hybrid, tube amp, but I heard it hums like crazy and has a myriad of problems.  Do any of you have suggestions?  Thanks much. 
Thanks, but like I mentioned, I don’t have a ton of dough as a retired teacher, but thanks.
Quad VA-One!!!Not a hybrid...Solid State rectified,auto bias ALL Tube...
Wonderful EL84 amp that has everything you need built right in.I have my TV wired with Toslink,3D Blue Ray with Coaxial,computer with USB and stream Bluetooth from my FiiO X1 DAP!
I find the tone with factory tubes fairly nuetral with just a hint of warmth..Roll in NOS Mullards for the small signal tubes if you need more...
I got mine from Underwood Wally,$1500.00 delivered...
For a Hybrid that has all you need look for a used Peachtree Audio Nova($650.00-800.00)
For all Solid State you’ll have to pay more.Look at the SimAudio Moon 240i or Parasound Halo Integrated...Both are know to have a smoother tone than most...
If $1500.00 is too much give us a max budget & we will see what we can do...ANY integrated amp or receiver can be made to stream with a simple Bluetooth Receiver plugged into a pair of RCA Inputs.Cost from about $30.00 up...