Help please

I have a system that is just ripping it self apart and I don't know why.
If there is anyone that really knows audio systems in S.W. Florida I would be willing to pay for help.
This is my last try before it all goes in the garbage and I call it a day.
Thanks Bruce
Why did you not contact the repairer 8 years ago? You must have realised something was still amiss. If you can't resolve the speaker indifference, replace them or fix them.
When you say "I have had three other pairs of speakers in the room. Same thing." Are you saying those other speakers also sounded off in the right channel? I know Simaudio says the gear checks out can you get other gear in there to see if it makes a difference? And are you working with a dealer?
My speakers turned out not to be the problem. I still think it was in my electronics somewhere. But now one of my new speakers sounds like a blown driver. My dealer moved out of state, but told me just to start over. I laughed
Well have you tried systematically swapping channels? First try swapping the speaker cables on your amp to see if the problem follows. If not work your way back up the chain switching interconnects until you isolate the piece of gear.