I'm trying to decide on a new (to me anyways) receiver.

I've narrowed it down to these two:

About the only big deal I see bwtween them in their feature set is the 805 has better video flexibility & the HDMI 1.3 thingy. THEIR POWER RATING IS ABOUT EQUAL AND ALL i WOULD NEED.

The HDMI 1.3 does seem attractive for multi ch. high res audio playback via a single wire bundle, BUT not having heard anything through one, I'm skeptical on it's performance level and would think the Marantz the more musical of the pair... albeit the need for RCA cables for SACD.

The onkyo is also cheaper.

Any other thoughts or experiences here on support or performance, would be super and greatly appreciated.
And, to add to the fray...I love my 805. Oppo 970HD, HD-RPTV, Hsu sub, VSA fronts, assorted amps. I only use it for video processing and it works perfectly. There is a one second delay in decoding a video source. Usually not noticable, but when watching a bowl game my OTA HD signal would occeasionally cut out (I live 50 miles from the transmitters) and each time it came back, the Onkyo took a second to present the audio. Frustrating, but as I understand it only the ultra expensive processors are quicker. For my purposes, the Onkyo is perfect. BTW, I do not use in internal amps, and it doesn't get very hot in my rack. $799, free shipping and 30 day return from J&R, where I got mine. Have fun and enjoy!
805 owners... the only in depth review I could find on either the 805 or 875 said they were bright up top... is that your experience?

They also mentioned the video delay not catching immediately and/or the consequent lag of audio via the HDMI path.

...and given the above, the Marantz becomes more attractive... hmm.
I haven't noticed any brightness or video delay (I'm not really sure what you're referencing in regard to video delay). The only audio lag I have noticed is when watching a TV show that is broadcast in Dolby 5.1. Most commercials are not broadcast in Dolby 5.1, but rather have 2 channel audio. The 805 has a momentary lag while switching from Dolby 5.1 to two channel audio (PLII in my case). The lag is probably 1 second or so. Frankly, I hardly even notice it as i don't pay close attention to commercials, but it is a big deal to some. I'm also not sure how seamless other AVR's handle the switch, so if this is a bothersome issue for you should probably audition before buying. Otherwise, I don't have any audio lag issues either with TV or other sources. Some have reported lip sync issues, but the 805 does allow you to compensate for that if it shows up. Sync issues can usually be blamed on the broadcast source - TNT-HD for example was notorious for lip sync issues for a while, but it mostly been resolved. I haven't had any sync issues while watching dvd, blu-ray, etc.
yes... it was the audio that did lag behind the video. sorry.

I had similar issues with an Anthem processor as well when switching to 'analog' channels from the digital ones, but not with the sony 444es receiver. both were using the same source too. In fact the Anthem was to blame in the end. Though it would only happen with certain types of cable/satelite boxes.

however it might not be an altogether terrible thing. naturally the caveat for me is I'm not hearing/seeing that behavior listed in reviews of other HT receivers.

with disc playback I'd think it a very minor issue indeed. Changing channels or sources though, well... Perhaps that'll disappear in '09 when all is, ah, uh, digital by decree.
I'll put in my plug for the Marantz. I'm not familiar with latter day Onkyo but heard their stuff in the early 90s and wasn't too impressed with it.

I bought a Denon and a Marantz sr-8000 in the late 90s. No question the Marantz was better than the Denon in every way. Sound, ergonomics, functionality. You don't notice all these things until you own and use them both. I still have the Marantz. It's not hooked up right now but it was solid as a rock for 10 years. Every time the TV came on it came on and nary a problem. The reason I compare these is maybe you have some experience with Denon and can use that as a point of reference.

One thing that people always talk about is the HDMI level in the recievers. Can you not connect directly to your TV? I have a DVD and the cable box and connect directy. Makes things a lot simpler on hookup.