If you hear something that really rocks your boat and you can afford it, or may someday save up for it, then get it, no problem. If you haven't heard "the magic" but just have to have a new shiny object, then you're not interested in music. I heard someone's stereo with a pair of Spica Angelus speakers and he swore by them. I went home and put music on a pair of Sonus Fabers I had (bought used but still over $4k), and they KILLED those Spicas DEAD. I am NOT a snob- anyone could have heard what I heard that day. I was not rude to my friend, but SERIOUSLY, this guy refused to buy a more refined system even though he could easily afford it. I saved up and bided my time, and got what I HEARD was very very good gear over 25 some odd years. I am not an expert- a few select dealers are, but "you can hear" a superb piece of gear 9 times out of 10 and it's not difficult. The rule about huge speaker systems does hold though. Buy a quality system that can pressurize your room, and call it a day. But if you have to have a great tube amp for your string-quartet collection, be my guest. Just beware of irrational-crazy people who are hobbyists with a vast collection of disco.