Morrow IC's

I just noted that Morrow has a Christmas and New Year's sale right now.  35% off.  I am looking at buying a pair of IC's from them since they have a good Money Back Guarantee and trial period.  No lose situation.

I can't find many reviews from people that have used the Morrow MA 1.1 or MA 2 IC's.  

Anyone have any experience with either of these cables?  Both are in my price range with the discount.  
dr morrow = a lot more insulation, and less copper. I guess it can sound different.
So the MA5 came in, and I used the break in service for 240 hours. They’re only 18” long as it’s connecting components in close proximity( Nad C565BEE and Parasound P5).   Sound is quite good, with more detail and separation over the MA3 it replaced.

with my Rainmaker speakers, I’m wondering if they’ll be able to fully reproduce all the detail, and what speakers would be a good upgrade path if I stay in the Totem family.

Another thing.  Oddly enough, my Schiit Bifrost multibit sounds better with non Morrow cables.  The Black Mamba II from Audio Advisor, to be specific, just sounds nicer than the MA3’s.  This cable uses Audioquest perfect surface copper +,  with silver plated RCA plugs.

213runnin.  I've learned to own more than one kind of IC's for this very reason.  What sounds good with one component may not work as well with another.   I will be ordering another pair of Morrow IC's later in the year once I determine which pair I can afford.
I like Morrow cables, and am currently breaking in a new 1.1 that is 1.5 meters (needed more room for my Schiit Loki) and it already seems to be working fine, although Morrow claims I need 400 more hours of break-in. They're giving away a free 1.1 IC now (Morrow did that before) with the purchase of, I think, anything, and I took advantage of that when I bought a pair of balanced ICs from them a while back. I also don't think purchasing their "break-in "service is as much fun as not as I like experiencing the "breaking of in" myself…a learning experience from which I've learned one thing: They're great sounding cables right out of the box…literally…they come in a box...
My first set of >Blue Jean Cables arrived yesterday. MA-3’s. Quickly connected my Lounge to my amp and I must say, wider soundstage and a crispness I had not yet experienced. I played again the first record I played on the MA-3’s  and then switched back to the BJC’s I was using before to compare again. definitely not placebo.

Looking forward to the big payoff and ordering another pair when I am able to again.