Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs

I really love the idea of the Vandersteen Subs where they are connected with the mains via extra speaker cable off right and left channels off the main amplifier, which is supposed to provide better bass transition from the mains while keeping the signature from the main amplifier. My question is with Vandersteen coming out with the SUB THREE and the price going significantly higher, I was wondering if there are other subs for less that you could integrate in the same way. (Most subs seem to rely on the line level input which is just a sub-woofer RCA going from the pre-amp to the amp on the sub). Can this same Vandersteen set-up be achieved with other subs?
I picked Rythmik since they are known (in the home theater community anyway) for being one of the best bang for the buck subs and the most "musical" of the bunch. (between Hsu, SVS, PSA).
And could I possibly achieve even greater sub-woofer nirvana since I could get an 18" for around $1500? Vandies only have 3 eight inchers.

I am a Vandersteen fanboy and I would like to support RV whenever I can, but don’t know much about my other sub-woofer options so looking for some feedback. Doesn’t even have to be related to Rythmik necessarily. If you know of other subs that can integrate the same way I want to know about it!

One thing I have not seen mentioned yet is that the Vandersteen 2wq/M5hp system actually improves the sound of the main speakers by relieving them of the job of producing deep bass. The rest of the spectrum is cleaner sounding. It really makes a big difference. I run the Vandersteen 3a signature's with two (stereo) 2wq's and it is a very satisfying full range experience. 
@sonicjoy - Yup, that was kind of a given as far as I was concerned.  Note only is it helpful for the main speakers, but lowers the burden on the amplifiers significantly.  All good reasons for a HPF for the mains.  That alone might steer me away from REL and Rythmic and towards Vandersteen.  That said, no crossover is 100% transparent.  The M5-HP is very good, but not as good as no crossover at all.  You have to way the pros and cons of adding another dividing network to your system.  For me, it is more than worth it for the incredible bass the 2Wqs put out.
bondmanp . The sub signal  from the amps is attenuated by a Axiom audio passive pre amp then the signal is sent to the DSPeaker the DSP is driving the sub amps . I rum my subs in stereo . The only ADA conversion happens below 50 hz the rest of my signal is all analog . if you are in Manhattan and want to hear the system PM me .
I guess I'm on my way to a distributed bass system.

I started with a single REL Storm sub and really enjoyed it.
Later I built two very heavy cabs for a couple Rythmik 12" kits connected at speaker level and it was a significant improvement over the Rel. I experimented several locations and setups also using measurent help and ended using them in stereo taking line in from my pre. While the xo wasn't 100% transparent it relieved my tube amp and speakers from attempting to reproduce up to 80Hz which was worth the tradeoff. This was another significant step up in sound.

Later I experimented with a multiway DAC and created digital xo to drive the subs and main amp directly from the DAC. Now my system is fully active with digital linear phase xo and room correction. No going back!

And I'm considering adding a couple additional Rythmiks. Rythmik kits allow for custom cabinets that make it easier to disguise or integrate into the decor.

FWIW, in his approach Geddes recommends one of the subs to be elevated from the floor so not all subs are exciting vertical modes from the same position (the floor). For this either a small sub or a custom installation is ideal (no way to raise my 50kg subs 2 meters off the floor!!).

Glad to see this approach discussed here.

bondmanp- Yes no filter in the signal path would be ideal but as you say the M5hp is very transparent. So much that I can not tell the difference. All I know is that the whole system sounds much better with the subs and filters than without. In fact I just tried a comparison with and without a week ago and its a dramatic improvment in the upper bass and midrange clarity. It removed a bit of boxiness in the 3a sig's upper bass. I can certainly live with the filters in place.
 Also I really like the adjustable q on the subs. It really helps with taming the room response. I also position the subs next to the mains well away from the walls and corners. I have found that I don't like subs in corners. It just makes them boomy.  I feel I get better time blending with mains as well with the subs in or even forward of the plane of the loudspeakers. These speakers and subs are time and phase correct top to bottom. Makes for great imaging. Very holographic.

lewinskih01- Funny you should mention elevating the subs as I have just begun experimenting with that concept. Trying to come up with something put under them. Tried milk crates about 10 inches high. Did seem to slighly reduce a bit of boominess in my room. I do want to keep trying different positions. I will also try raising just one.

Would be interesting to try the swarm idea with the Vandersteen subs and crossover implementation. All the subs would maintain the sonic signature of the main amp that way.