What are you streaming tonight?

As we are in the modern age of music I thought I would see how this fares.
We have threads specific for cdp and tt so why not streaming as it is a modern media.
I don't care if you stream Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, Paradise Radio or any number of internet stations.
I would like you to share your tastes and method of streaming.
I spend many hours each week mostly streaming from my music server.

I run both Logitech Media Server to stream to Squeezebox Touches (2) and a Squeezebox Radio.

I also stream from Plex Media Server to various in house devices like tablets, Amazon Fire TV box, and Iphone. I synch files to the Iphone in Plex and then stream from the Iphone to ApplePlay in my car.

I also stream on occasion from Radio Paradise and other internet stations on various devices including Squeezebox Touches and Squeeze Radio, and browser on tablets, iphone, and other devices.

Occasionally I will stream Amazon music and Pandora from Iphone to Carplay.

I still have a large vinyl collection also. I convert those to digital now when I listen and stream the files from same music server from there on in at home, in car, in the office, out of town, wherever.

So I am pretty much streaming all the time these days.  Good music available everywhere, sounds great and love it!
Hell of a set up there Mapman!
Sounds like you have just about every base covered!
Streaming Parallel Lines by Blondie
Via Tidal on my phone at the airport waiting to go to work, groan!
Thanks uber. I’ve been at it for a number of years now and been through the various ups and downs.

The biggest down is not having a backup of your files when the day comes (and it will eventually) where your disk storage fails. Maintaining and using backups is a bit of a pain! Not an issue if you are streaming content provided by others over the internet. I’ve had to restore my somewhat large music library twice from backups due to disks going bad after a few years or so.   It takes me over a day to restore my entire library currently if needed.

I wish converting vinyl properly were faster and easier but I’ve come up with a cost effective solution that works very well yet still time consuming.

I am paranoid! I made two backups of my Vault drive and two of my PC drive!
4 separate 2tb usb drives in total, I try to update the image every couple weeks.
Overkill maybe but after having restored everything to a new pc drive after failure it is well worth the insurance!