New D'Agostino Monoblocks...$250,000

The new D’Agostino Relentless monoblocks cost $250,000 per pair.
They weigh in at 485 pounds.
1500 wpc @ 8 ohms...   3000 wpc @ 4 ohms...   6000 wpc @ 2 ohms.
Gorgeous looking amps for sure and I’m sure they perform like crazy.

Be sure to invite me over when you take delivery of your pair.
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You do make some very good points, and who knows with luck maybe the price includes a Bobcat.

Just think how much publicity the entire D'Agostino line has gotten by coming up with these monsters.  SuperAmps as clickbait? 
Really from the beautiful casework and TOTL internals one could look this as true hifi bargain!!
This thread is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.  Most people in the world have trouble getting enough to eat, forget about buying a high-end stereo or even a car.  So if ultra high-end stereo offends you, take a look in the mirror and realize that you are in the 1% on a global basis.  What you spend on audio gear is just as offensive.  I say live and let live.  Let the rich buy their $250,000 amps, you own your car, nice house and high-end system without guilt and do something to end poverty.  Pointing fingers at others does no one any good, as Bob Dylan learned a long time ago.