To those who've tkn Vandersteen 5A upgrade plunge

I've got a pair of Vandersteen 5's (am the original owner), and am curious as to what the experience has been for those who have upgraded, in regards to changes in the sound, since it's an expensive upgrade, and I've heard differing opinions before as to just how much of a difference it makes.

I've considered taking the money it would cost and putting it into a relatively better turntable cartridge, cd player, or possibly preamp at a future date; I currently have an SME 20/SME V combo plus an Ayre cx-7e, K3x, and V5xe(though it's quite possible I'd spend the saved money on the rig anyway, even w/ the upgrade...). Do you think the money is better spent elsewhere, or as well or better spent here?

Thanks for any feedback!
maineiac,i have seen 5a's sell on this site for as little as 7500.00.[only once,sold instantly].
I would upgrade your components before I spent the money to upgrade the speakers. I think you'd get more bang for your buck by upgrading to the Ayre K-1xe and V-1xe.
Audiophilia is all about upgrading. If you dont, you will know that your speakers' potential is compromised, and you will feel pain in that. I have heard that the 5A's are about to be updated. Richard V said that the biggest problem with the 5A's is that the speaker is all time aligned except for the woofer. I suppose the 5B's or whatever they will be called will be completely time aligned. Lets get out the checkbook yet again.
Yes, contact Richard. He will tell all you want to hear and more. The consumate sales rep.and biggest advocate for his line-up.