Dire Straits : what is your favorite pressing?

I would like the best pressing of Dire Straits debut album.  I am considering 3 options: original UK pressing, the first Japanese pressing, or the soon to be available MoFi 45rpm version.  Can anyone advise?
All relative I guess. The studio box set released a few years ago and made in Germany by Pallas is good. There is another version done later in Czechlosvakia by GZ which is atrociously packaged and dirty - needs thorough clean before even first use and has more surface noise  - best avoided - unscrupulous sellers will try to pass off the GZ as Pallas by using one of the original photos.
Heard a test pressing of the MFSL 45rpm Love Over Gold album at this years Axpona show. Had them play Telegraph Road; sounded excellent to me, albeit with noticeable tape hiss. I have the disc on pre-order, can’t wait to get it. I am sure the soon to be released MFSL 45rpm Dire Straits debut album will also be excellent. Again, have this on pre-order and anxiously await its arrival.
I would guess the 45 MFSL would be the “best” from an audio perspective judging by how good a job they did with Brothers in Arms (I’m eagerly awaiting them finally releasing “Love Over Gold”). 

However the original UKs are readily available and sound great as well as providing a point of reference so you should always own this version if you can - of course it’ll be a crap shoot to find a good condition copy ...
Brothers in arms is brick walled by the original Digital technology of that day (when it was recorded).

If they had made analog safeties at the time, they could probably sell you a premium copy by now, that would easily outshine any prior pressings.